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Camp Elena is A Desert Retreat committed to improving the ecological footprint of the hospitality industry and residential living. We are constantly learning how to better impact our planet as we reside here in the Chihuahuan Desert. 


Park Conservation

A portion of the proceeds from each stay goes to Big Bend Conservancy to preserve, enrich, and conserve the unique resources of Big Bend National Park

Dark Sky Preservation

The tents have dark sky compliant lighting to protect our International Dark Sky Reserve. Light pollution can disrupt sleep, wildlife patterns, and stargazing!

Grey Water Irrigation

75% of the property's shower water is used to water our plants. Fresh water is a limited and precious resource in the desert!

Solar Power

100% of our property is on solar, which uses the sun to generate energy. Using solar reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Mindful Purchasing

We use refillable soap bottles to limit plastic waste, as plastic can take up to 1K years to decompose. We also purchase a majority of our amenities from sustainable brands.

local organizations we love

Big Bend Conservancy

Big Bend National Park

Big Bend Ranch State Park

Terlingua Community Garden

Visit Big Bend


Green Tourism Active Champion (83/100 Sustainability Ranking) Travel Sustainable Level 2 Property

Copyright 2024 Camp Elena